Breaking news: Multiple WWE NXT talent including Drew Gulak have reportedly been released

According to Mike Johnson of, the following WWE NXT talent have been released from the company…

* Drew Gulak
* Ezekiel Balogun
* Julian Baldi
* Trey Bearhill
* Emmamaria Diaz (showcased on WWE Roku Channel series WWE: Next Gen)
* Keyshawn Leflore (showcased on WWE Roku Channel series WWE: Next Gen)
* Valentina Feroz
* Darrell Mason
* Vlad Pavlenko
* Kiyah Saint
* Boa

Johnson noted the following about the cuts…

“There had been rumblings (and fear) over the last several weeks that releases were coming, as we had previously noted on Sources have stated that the cuts were primarily made due to the lack of current creative plans for those departing as they were not being utilized and were not planned for anything in the near future.”