Behind the scenes details regarding a Mick Foley storyline with Dean Ambrose that was dropped

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, Mick Foley talked about a storyline between himself and Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley) in 2012 that was ultimately dropped due to Foley not being medically cleared. Foley noted that miscommunication between the two of them led to him being legitimately angry at Ambrose…

“Hunter [Triple H] asked me, he said, ‘hey, you’re on social media, right?’ I said, ‘yeah, yeah.’ At that time I had about 250,000 followers, I am not sure if I was on Facebook yet. He said, ‘we want to do this grassroots thing to get steam solely on the internet at first.’ This angle with Moxley, it required me to go to some dark places. The problem was, I couldn’t get out of them. It wasn’t like when I would go cut the Kane Dewey promo in the basement of Paul E’s cameraman while his mom was doing the ironing and my wife and two kids are at a park two blocks away, and I would come out of there fresh as a daisy and I am ready to go. When I would get into the storyline, I couldn’t get out. It was like this cloud. I don’t want to be overly dramatic, but it was around me all the time and it was affecting me. Especially when I saw Moxley writing about my children. So, I come up to him at a TV taping with Dusty. I asked Dusty if he would come up with me, just so I could talk to him. I said, ‘hey man, whatever you do, please stop mentioning my children.’”

“He thinks it’s an angle, whereas I am 100% asking him as a father not to mention my children,” Foley claimed. “He reads it is, ’turn the volume up on Foley’s children.’ So the next tweet that comes out is even worse, more foreboding for the future of my family. Now I text him and say, ‘hey man, I was not joking,’ and I think okay, now it’s over,” Foley stated. “The next tweet is even worse. I am blowing a gasket every day, I am cutting more F-bombs in front of the family than they have ever heard in the entirety of their lives. I am so angry at this guy.” (quotes courtesy of