Becky Lynch addresses recent backstage incident between herself and Charlotte Flair

While speaking with, Becky Lynch was asked about the reports that she had a real-life backstage confrontation with Charlotte Flair. Here was Becky’s response when she was asked for details about the incident…

“I don’t know, man. We don’t talk anymore. We don’t talk. So all I’ll say is the locker room needs a hero sometimes. And sometimes somebody’s gotta be a hero. I’m all right being that hero. That’s what I’ll say on that matter.”

Becky was also asked if having real-life heat makes things more difficult when it comes to storylines…

“Oh, 100% more difficult,” said Lynch. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s the thing. When you’ve got two people that are wanting to work together to make magic, then you make magic. Sometimes when there’s hostility, when you can’t trust the person, then you never know what’s going to happen. You always have to be on guard. It’s like a game of chess. You have to be thinking two steps, three steps, four steps ahead. What are they gonna do. How am I gonna handle it? If they do this, if they do that, whatever.

This business is built on trust and working together that’s the art of it. That’s the beauty of it. If I make you look good, you make me look good. It’s an art. It’s a beautiful art, it’s an art I love more than anything. If people don’t know how to make that art, then it becomes difficult. It becomes tricky and you never really get the full potential. But there’s intrigue there, too, because we never know, was this meant to happen, was that not meant to happen, what’s gonna go down. There’s interest in both ways. One way, it’s the beautiful pure art of pro wrestling. The other way is a bit of a shit show. So we’ll see what happens.”

There was also the following exchange…

SI: Do you trust Charlotte Flair?

Lynch: No.

SI: Are things difficult right now with Charlotte Flair?

Lynch: Yes.

SI: Were you guys friends and no longer friends?

Lynch: We used to be best friends.