Backstage news items from the August 11th 2023 edition of WWE Smackdown in Calgary

Here are a few backstage news items from the August 11th 2023 edition of WWE Smackdown in Calgary, Alberta via Mike Johnson of…

* Johnson was told that Dakota Kai was initially not scheduled to be on the show. Johnson wrote that “she story backstage making the rounds was that once again, she was called at the last minute to fly into the taping, just as she was Summerslam.”

* There was apparently talk of adding a stipulation such as NoDQ to AJ Styles vs. Karrion Kross this past week but the idea was eventually dropped.

* This week’s Smackdown was the highest grossing WWE live gate in Calgary history.

* Bobby Roode and Nick Aldis worked at RAW in producer roles and they were brought back for Smackdown as well.