A former WWE referee recalls the time he blew cigarette smoke in Vince McMahon’s face

During an interview with Steve Fall for WrestlingNews.co, former WWE referee Mike Chioda shared a story about Vince McMahon…

“There was one time when I was pushing cases during TV, working the crew and everything and I was smoking a cigarette. You could smoke in the arenas back in those days. He comes through the curtain and I just puffed a big cloud of smoke in his face and he hates smoke. I looked at him and I froze like a son of a bitch. He looked at me with his eyes wide open. I just threw the cigarette down, started jumping on it like, goddamn cigarettes. I had to do something to pop him and he kind of smirked and then he gave me this long lecture for like, 30 minutes. We bonded over little things like that. Vince is great. He was a great boss and he respected me as far as my refereeing.”

You can check out the full interview below…