Photos: EC3 shows off his physique during bodybuilding competition

Former WWE star EC3 wrote the following on Instagram in regards to a bodybuilding competition that he was part of…

You step into the lair of the #DementedNarcissist.⁣

A world where society is obsessed with the #superficial.⁣

You understand men look at women, and men look at men, and women look at men, and women look at other women. ⁣

Examining. Objectifying. #DarwinianImpulses.⁣

Envy. Lust. Wrath. #DeadlySins⁣

Make-up cover blemishes. ⁣
Fake tanner accentuates form.⁣
Potions, Powders, and Processed food are precision timed.⁣
Oils, sprays, gels and a variety of toxic chemicals are spread strategically on the bodies largest organ (skin) to emphasize definition.⁣

You angle correct, the lighting hits right. You manipulate the #authorities whom #judge whether you “#win” or you “#lose.”⁣

Trim, edit, filter, properly tag, highlight just right.⁣

Your #socialmedia gains #content!⁣

Likes. Comments. Shares. #FOLLOWERS.⁣

#Dopamine is the most addictive drug.⁣

Find the right quote to plagiarize. Proclaim your diligence and hard work for the world to see.⁣

Congratulations. ⁣
You are the #HERO of your #STORY!⁣

But deep down you know…………..⁣

#FreeEC3 #ec3⁣

#esotericcaptions #bodybuilding #vanity #classicphysique #NPC #npcbodybuilding⁣