Dave Batista addresses the botched elimination spot with John Cena from the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble

During an interview with Chris Van Vliet to promote his new movie The Killer’s Game, former WWE star Dave Batista commented on Vince McMahon’s quads being torn at the 2005 WWE Royal Rumble. Batista brought up how his focus was the botched elimination spot with John Cena that led to Vince coming out in the first place…

“I didn’t realize during the match. I didn’t know why he was sitting there. I had no idea what was going on, and I was just worried about the match. Then they got him out of there. I think I found out later on, and the funny thing was, I can’t remember where we were the next day, and I got to the building, and somebody immediately said, ‘Vince want to see you in this office.’ I was like, ‘Ah, here it comes.’ So I went to his office. My heart is beating, in my head, I’m packing my bags [laughs]. I walk into his office, and he’s sitting, he’s got his crutches beside him, he’s all bandaged up [laughs]. He just starts laughing, he’s laughing at the top of lungs. I was like, ‘You’re not gonna fire me?’ He goes, ‘No, I loved it. It was real. It was so great, and it was real, and nobody knew what was gonna happen.’ He loved it.

I think that Vince thrives on chaos. I think because that moment was so chaotic, I think it just excited him and exhilarated him, so even though it was a total botch, I think he just had so much fun in that exhilarating, exciting moment that he thrived on it, and he forgave me.” (quote courtesy of Colin Tessier)