Results of Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker at WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE

Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jaida Parker for the NXT women’s title took place during the WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE. Here were the highlights…

* Parker taunted Perez and Perez responded by slapping her. Perez used her speed to avoid Parker and was able to gain the advantage after dropping Parker ribs-first into the steel steps. Perez then stomped Parker into the steps.

* Perez continued to target the bad ribs of Parker. Perez mocked Parker but was then hit with a sitdown powerbomb from Parker. Parker followed it up with a spinebuster but Perez was able to kick out. Parker continued her offense but then started selling her ribs again.

* Perez applied a rings of Saturn but Parker was able to power out. Parker nailed Perez with a strike that sent Perez to the outside. Parker ended up going through the barricade and Perez gave Parker the pop rocks onto the piece of barricade that broke. Parker beat the ten count but then Perez hit pop rocks again and scored the victory.

* After the match, Giulia came down to the ring and had a staredown with Perez.