Results of Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry at WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE

Ethan Page (c) vs. Joe Hendry for the NXT world title with guest referee Trick Williams took place during the WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE. Here were the highlights…

* Things got heated between Page and Williams right when the match started. The crowd was firmly behind Hendry and chanted “we believe” as there was a feeling out process.

* The match went back and forth in the early moments with Williams calling the match down the middle. Page took control of the match but then started having issues with the speed of Williams’ counts. Page gave Hendry an avalanche powerslam but Hendry was able to kick out.

* Hendry made a comeback with an avalanche fallaway slam and Page rolled to the outside. Hendry went after Page but was sent into the steel steps. Page gave Hendry the Ego’s edge onto the ring apron and Hendry was barely able to beat the ten count.

* Hendry recovered and hit Page with Page’s own Ego’s edge. The two traded shots and Hendry was able to build up momentum. Hendry hit the standing ovation chokeslam but Page got his foot on the rope.

* Williams got knocked out of the ring and a second referee ran down. Page tried to win with a DDT on the NXT title but Williams stopped the second referee’s count. Page tried to strike Williams but took down the second referee and while Williams was distracted, Page gave Hendry a low blow. Williams then counted out Hendry to give Page the victory.

* After the match, Pete Dunne attacked Williams and the show went off the air.