Drew McIntyre comments on potentially having a WWE match against John Cena in 2025

During an interview with The Ringer podcast, commented on potentially having a WWE match against John Cena in 2025 during Cena’s retirement tour…

“Cena is coming back for his year long return which is going to be awesome. I don’t know if I’m figured in the plans, but I guarantee I’ll be pushing and I’ll be nudging them left and right to make it happen because the amount of stories I’ve got about Punk and things that happened when I was younger, I’ve got 10 fold on him. There’s never been a one on one match.

If I have to drive management crazy, I’ll drive them crazy, drive John crazy. I’m going to get that match and I’ll tear them apart on the microphone, which not many people can do in the ring, and send him packing in a happy retirement and hopefully Punk along with him.” (quote courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)