News regarding when Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will be debuting on WWE television

In recent months, WWE has been recruiting international female wrestling stars including Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer. In regards to when they will be debuting on WWE television, Dave Meltzer of noted the following during Wrestling Observer Radio

“Giulia is on her way. The thing I was told yesterday was that – I had heard it could be as early as August 19 – I was told yesterday that Marigold thought that it would be the end of August. But, she’s under contract to WWE, so when WWE wants to start her, she’s going. So the announcement will be made, she’s going to say, ‘I’m leaving for WWE’ and she’s gonna have the date, and it’s coming up very, very soon, and she’ll be starting in NXT.”

“Stephanie Vaquer should be starting, like, immediately. She’s free and clear. Both of them are gonna be in imminently. So Giulia’s gonna make the official announcement, it is gonna be very soon.” (quotes courtesy of