Liv Morgan says there is a “very happy, open, creative atmosphere” with the Triple H regime of WWE

During an interview with Rusic & Rose on The Big Show, WWE women’s world champion Liv Morgan commented on the Triple H regime of WWE…

“Working with Triple H has been amazing. I grew up a huge fan, but I never thought someone I idolized would one day be my boss and I’d be under his guidance and tutelage. He’s so helpful with any questions that I have or anything I’m thinking. He’s always open to listen and to help me out. I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

I walk into work so excited every single week to see what kind of shenanigans we’re going to get into. It’s a very happy, open, creative atmosphere that I think all of my co-workers appreciate as well. It’s been nothing short of amazing and fun. So, I’m looking forward to showing up to work this Monday and seeing what we’re going to get into, so watch us.” (quote courtesy of