Ric Flair admits that he fell asleep during his “last match” from July of 2022

During an interview with Theo Von on This Past Weekend, Ric Flair commented on his “last match” from July of 2022

“I got out there and I felt great and all that and then I realized the anxiety and I made the mistake of saying to one of the guys, ‘I don’t feel good.’ Of course now they think I’m having a heart attack or… I got light-headed. I actually fell asleep on the apron. I’m standing. [Really?] Oh, yeah. And the guy had to go, ‘Ric! Ric!’ And I woke up and I got back in and then I did something else and I’m laying there and at the end, Manny [Andrade El Idolo], my son-in-law, is going, ‘you have to wake up, sir. You have to wake up, sir.

He was handing me the brass knucks to hit [Jeff] Jarrett with, right? So, he put the brass knucks in my hand, ‘you have to wake up, sir. You have to wake up, sir.’ Boom. But I whacked myself way too early. And then because everybody was panicking, to end it right, I faked like I was having a heart attack just going, ‘ughh.’ Just because I wanted everybody, ‘slow down m************, we can do this. I mean I can make it. Just listen to me.’” (quotes courtesy of Sportskeeda.com)