The reason why Karrion Kross grew out his hair after leaving WWE in 2021

During an appearance on the The Ringer Wrestling Show podcast, Karrion Kross commented on why he grew his hair out after leaving WWE in 2021…

“I had gotten a role to do a film. For the character that they wanted me to play, they asked me if I can grow my hair on them. Like, well, if you’re paying me, yes, I will grow my hair out and then the film kept getting pushed back and back. I was like, you know what? It might not even happen, but I kind of like having my hair. Again, it was kind of unexpected. It’s a lot of maintenance that I don’t really care for, but it’s kind of nice to have it. I haven’t had a full head of hair maybe in 10 years, maybe 6 or 8, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime.” (quote courtesy of