Chris Jericho talks about which former WWE star AEW should sign

During an interview with, Chris Jericho commented on which wrestlers that were recently released from WWE should sign with AEW…

“You look at a guy like Tucker for example, I don’t know if we would take him tomorrow, we might, but it seems to me if he goes and proves what he can do and what he’s capable of, well then absolutely.

Obviously, the one name that stands out as an established main-event heavyweight champion guy is Samoa Joe. Those guys have three months before they can go anywhere. But I’d love to see Joe in an AEW ring at some point. That’s another dream match if you want to go there. I’ve never. I think we had one little, three-minute s—tty little match on Raw and it was just kind of thrown away. And I didn’t want to do it because I said this is a pay-per-view match, but that’s the WWE style. I think Joe and Jericho, Joe and Omega, Joe with Cody, Joe with put name here is a money match.”

Chris Jericho: AEW Blood and Guts isn’t your typical WarGames match

Chris Jericho leads The Inner Circle (Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana and Ortiz) against Maxwell Jacob Freidman’s group The Pinnacle (Wardlow, Shawn Spears, Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) in a double-ring WarGames style cage match at “AEW Blood and Guts” on May 5 (8 p.m., TNT).