If I Were In Charge – Episode 9 (RAW is XXX = Samoan Road to WrestleMania)

Next weeks “RAW is XXX” is the 30th anniversary of the show that revolutionized the wrestling business. One of the main things I’ve always enjoyed about the nostalgia shows is they feel a little less scripted. This is the first one under Triple H’s creative, so it’ll be interesting to see how it flows. A few “who cares” with the so far announced appearances, but it’s always good to see The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Ric Flair and especially those amazing legends, The Bella Twins! If we’re lucky enough, Nikki won’t be able to make it – that way we can hear Brie Bella’s banger of a solo theme! Brieeee Moooooodee. Yikes!

The most significant part of RAW is XXX is the fact it’s loaded up with Samoans. Not just our regular Usos, Solo, Sami (honorary) & Roman, but the old Samoan legends are coming in for the Acknowledgement Ceremony. Afa and Sika, the Wild Samoans, (with Sika being the father of Roman Reigns) are being brought in. This is significant for many reasons. These two aren’t spring chickens anymore, being 80 and 77 respectively. It’s harder on old folks, especially ones who’ve beat the heck out of their bodies since the 70’s to not only make the trek, but to also sit around for a full day of TV. Seems like something important going on, no?

Also showing up are The Headshrinkers, Samu and Fatu…Rikishi Fatu! Rikishi is the father of current RAW & SmackDown tag team champions, Jimmy & Jey Uso. That also seems pretty damn important, doesn’t it? I’m pretty happy Samu is able to be part of the show, as the guy hasn’t had it easy the last 4-5 years. He was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer in 2018, which sucks, but was able to get a transplant in 2019 and currently seems to be doing OK cancer wise. At that time, WWE and the “devil” himself, Vince McMahon, partnered with WXW C4, (ran by Samu & Afa Jr.) sending some talent for a fundraiser back in 2019 to help out Samu with his medical bills. Always nice to see a happy ending when this business seems to have more bad endings than good sometimes.

Now if we take a look way back to the beginning of all this, “High Chief” Peter Maivia was the original Head Of The Table. He got his start in the 60’s with the NWA, first known as “Prince” Peter Maivia, moving around territories and finding big success due to being a natural and a very quick learner of the business. One thing most have noticed is the amount of Samoan family members that seem to duplicate in the wrestling business. This all seems to be thanks to the High Chief, who knew there was money to be made in wrestling. Looking big, scary & exotic, the Samoans were (and still are) a natural fit. They could easily play a heel, especially out of their own territory, but were absolute huge faces when being anywhere near the Pacific Islands.

The Chief spread the love and trained Afa Anoa’i, with help from Rocky Johnson. Peter Maivia and Afa Anoa’i didn’t have any relation, but it’s been told Afa’s father made himself and Peter Maivia “blood brothers”, and from that point on they considered Peter part of the Anoa’i family, from his genetics down. Fast forward – Rocky Johnson was a WWF talent who ended up marrying Peter’s adopted daughter, Ata, daughter of promoter Lia Maivia. Those two ended up creating one of the most talented humans in the world today. Smell what I’m cookin’? Rewind – With Afa being trained, the family saw there was even more money to be made. Afa helped trained his brother, Sika, with the help of Kurt Von Steiger. Afa and Sika traveled the world as The Wild Samoans, winning tag gold on several occasions. A lot of talented children came from this dynasty, with Sika giving the wrestling world Rosey (RIP) and current Head Of The Table, Roman Reigns.

With so many uncles, aunts and cousins, there was bound to be more passing down of talent. The next generation started to show interest in the business, and Afa and Sika knew exactly what to do to help out the family in the best way they knew how, training some younger family members! This eventually gave us The Headshrinkers, Samu & Fatu, who earned their WWF(E) contracts after busting their chops around the world. Samu & Fatu enjoyed tag team success and not only had the tag team gold, but also individual success, with Fatu challenging Bret Hart for the WWF(E) World Title on an episode of RAW. Although the family connection wasn’t acknowledged, Samu & Fatu would also help their cousin in disguise, Yokozuna, who was portraying a Japanese sumo wrestler, win a casket match against The Undertaker at the 1994 Royal Rumble. Lots of history between The Undertaker and the Anoa’i family. Could that come into play during RAW is XXX?

They say the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, and in this case, that saying is spot on. In what seems like Samoan tradition, Rikishi Fatu ended up having some very talented children. Three of them are currently highly involved in this long brewing storyline, with Jimmy and Jey Uso being the Raw & SmackDown Tag Team Champions. The other brother, Solo Sikoa, has been super impressive since showing up on NXT. He’s now on the main roster helping the family keep their grip on the business. But no matter what family member shows up, Roman Reigns has made sure he’s acknowledged as the Head Of The Table, no holds barred, going as far as beating it into any family member who disagrees. Remember when Jey Uso tried to step up and tell Roman he was acting out of line? We were treated to some pretty damn good matches between the two, with Roman winning not only the matches, but the loyalty of Jey. At this point, anyone who even speaks out of line towards Roman gets the fear put in them.

The biggest Acknowledgment Ceremony yet is happening at RAW is XXX, and I expect a lot of tension. Not from the current Bloodline, but from the old schoolers. To me, this will be the best way to finally begin the build for the big match between The Rock and Roman Reigns, if that is the actual plan. Having the young Bloodline crew treat Afa, Sika, Samu & Fatu like they’re fossils who need to bow down to Roman is just the beginning. It’s been teased before, but this is the time to hit big and run with it. Start the show off with Paul Heyman, who has big history with the old guard, explaining to Afa, Sika, Samu & Fatu (who he managed years ago before they were in WWE, then known as the Samoan SWAT Team) exactly what is expected of them. Heyman will explain how Roman wants them to “bend the knee” at the Acknowledgment Ceremony. As RAW is XXX goes on, backstage interactions between Usos, Solo, Sami and the old boys will be full of tension and anger. Furthering the big story of the night, having Jey, Jimmy and Solo disrespect Rikishi Fatu, their dad, would show great heel work. Afa and Sika would be totally disgusted with how the young crew is acting, voicing their disdain towards them. Of course, having Sami mouth off the legends would not only be hysterically funny, but it would also cause the legends to question just what in the hell the young Bloodline is thinking.

This is where things could get really good. Backstage cameras would catch Afa, Sika, Samu & Rikishi Fatu questioning if Roman and the boys really should be the ones calling the shots. Dare I say, questioning if Roman Reigns should really be Head Of The Table, especially if this is how they’re going to represent The Bloodline. Setting up these fractures in the family all night is exactly the way it should play out before the Acknowledgment Ceremony begins. We know how well WWE can produce drama, with this storyline being something that’s been years in the making. I’m thinking we are finally going to get some payoff with a glimpse to the future.

When the Acknowledgment Ceremony starts going down in the ring, the disrespect towards the legends continues hard. Jimmy, Jey, Solo & Sami running their mouths as they do best, would cause even more friction. The best way to grab some heat here, even if it’s cheap, would be to have Solo or one of the Usos get pushy with either Afa or Sika. Seeing one of his kids put their hands on their elders would piss off Rikishi to the point of no return. Rikishi can still go, so why not have him try and teach his kids some respect! It wouldn’t be much of a fight, but at least Rikishi would stand his ground and try to get some respect from his boys. At this point, have Roman step up, flaring his nostrils like he does best, angrily saying “acknowledge me” to the broken legends. All it takes here is a really sad Sika, Roman’s father, looking up from the ground and saying a very powerful “NO!” into the mic. This would send ‘angry nostrils’ Roman over the edge. Roman stomping the big old afro into mat seals the deal. Whether they wanted to or not, the Samoan legends have been shown they don’t have a choice with who’s at the head of the table…or do they?

Due to their ongoing feud, Kevin Owens needs to come out at this point and go for The Bloodline, specifically his Royal Rumble opponent, Roman. Owens obviously gets beat down because he’s outnumbered, but it’s what “face” Owens would do. Sami can get some more heat here and really give it to Owens, too…why not? Continuance is good. The scene is set with The Bloodline standing tall in the ring acting like nothing can stop them. Legendary Samoans scattered around the ring. Kevin Owens, current number 1 contender to Roman Reigns has been taken out. There’s only one thing left to do here, and that’s begin the feud which was meant for WrestleMania Hollywood. The Rock’s music hits! The crowd would naturally love it. Finally…the real Head Of The Table is……home. The legends made the call earlier asking The Rock to come put Roman in his place, and here he is to do it.

Roman is one of the best when it comes to facial expressions. Yes, sometimes they’re ridiculous, but I love it. Just imagine the faces Roman makes as The Rock is standing at the entrance, with Jimmy, Jey, Solo & Sami looking at Roman with wide eyes. That right there is video package magic. Then when the actual face off happens between The Rock and Roman? Wow. As much as some people crap on Kevin Dunn, this would make a pretty damn good WrestleMania video package.

The face off in the ring should be only that, a face off. Have The Rock explain to Roman that until he beats The Rock, he’s not Head Of The Table. By this point, Owens and the Samoan legends would be coming to. Paul Heyman, the fantastic Special Counsel that he is, tells the troops it’s better to leave than to get into it. Have RAW is XXX go off the air with The Rock and the legendary Samoans being featured in the ring, with the current top face, Kevin Owens by their side.

Of course I’m “fantasy booking” this scenario like so many people love to mention, but I predict this or something similar is what will happen. There’s more questions than answers right now, but some pretty interesting hints are being thrown at our faces.

First, we’ve seen the tiny cracks between Sami and The Bloodline begin to happen. He’s a great scapegoat when things go wrong. Not to mention, he’s not real blood!

Second, having Afa, Sika, Samu & Rikishi Fatu show up on what’s expected to be the most watched RAW in a long time is significant.

Third, the Acknowledgment Ceremony. Interesting to have this while all the Samoan legends are around. Also perfect timing – tensions are high in The Bloodline, tempers are flaring. The legends won’t take any disrespect, and I guarantee they’ll be disrespected.

Fourth, we’ve been told the Tag Titles will now be defended separately. Why all of a sudden are they being split up again? Well, The Usos losing some tag gold will amplify the cracks in The Bloodline’s foundation. The RAW Tag Titles will be defended on RAW is XXX against The Judgement Day, who have been pushed heavily lately. Could someone cost them the RAW Tag Titles? Also, on the following SmackDown, January 20th, a tag team tournament will begin to determine the new number 1 contenders for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles. Sheamus & Drew McIntyre seem to be the front runners to win that, and we all know they have lots of history with The Bloodline.

Fifth, this is a huge WrestleMania, taking place at the new SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. WrestleMania 39 – WrestleMania Goes Hollywood, just screams ‘The Rock’. This was the original home for WrestleMania 37 until the pandemic caused havoc. It’ll be a sight to see, as this is a beautiful stadium with top notch technology. The Rock is always one of the top paid stars in Hollywood, so it seems like this is meant to be. I expect this to be one of the more star studded WrestleManias in history.

Last but not least, The Rock needs to promote the XFL. Before anything else, he’s an extremely intelligent business man. Actor, second. Wrestler, third. After a couple year hiatus for the XFL, he knows he’s going to need as much promotion as possible to get the football league some attention. It’s been through a lot! What better way to start promoting the February 2023 debut return of the XFL then to get on WWE TV. If The Rock is going to be part of this years WrestleMania, I 100% guarantee that he put loads and loads of XFL tie-ins and promotion in his contract. Get ready to see that partnership shoved down our throats. XFL seasons run from February to April, so perfect timing for The Rock to get eyes on his new investment.

If The Rock does return for WrestleMania 39, some interesting things could happen between now and then. Kevin Owens is being pushed hard as the number 1 baby face. Odds aren’t in his favor to win against Roman Reigns at Royal Rumble, and it wouldn’t make sense for Roman to lose before WrestleMania. But The Bloodline is a big group, big enough that The Rock can’t take them all on, and big enough Owens can’t either. To fill in time on TV and also the Elimination Chamber PLE that happens before WrestleMania, if history repeats itself here, I can see a tag match or two happening. As we saw at last years WrestleMania, Kevin Owens is a trusted worker. If Steve Austin trusts him enough for a match, I can see Owens and Rock teaming up against members of The Bloodline to help with the ring rust. The Rock knows Owens would make sure everything goes as smooth as possible.

I’m waiting patiently to see what happens at RAW is XXX, and also for the Royal Rumble to see how they book the finish. I feel a few big questions will be answered at RAW is XXX. With rumors of Cody Rhodes winning Royal Rumble, what’s the point of The Rock returning? I guess we will find out shortly if the plan is truly to split the Unified World Title, with one being defended on each night of WrestleMania. I for one am happy each show might potentially have their own World Champion again, as long as the secondary titles (IC & US) continue to be pushed and made to feel important like they have been. Great booking for those titles lately, especially the US Title.

What would you like to see happen for the main events of WrestleMania? Should the Unified World Title be split back into two? Should The Rock be the one to dethrone Roman Reigns? Is Cody Rhodes too obvious to win Royal Rumble? The road to WrestleMania is coming quick, will it be smooth or bumpy?

James Bones