WWE women’s champion Bayley comments on the possibility of an Evolution II PLE

During the first episode of Cody Rhodes’ What Do You Wanna Talk About show, WWE women’s champion Bayley commented on the possibility of being an all-women Evolution II PLE…

“Why not? Like we were just saying, there’s so many women. The thing about the first one was we had so many girls from NXT, which they got to showcase on a bigger stage, but they had so many women from the past, it’s kind of like the first few Rumbles, they had a lot of women from the past because we didn’t have enough women to fill up these matches, but now we do.

I think it would be so cool to give everybody on Raw and SmackDown a part of that show, Evolution 2. You can bring girls in from NXT. We just saw Jordynne Grace on NXT, TNA girls, whatever that connection is there, we can bring different girls and you can bring someone in from the past if they’re up for it to do a little something but we have such a stacked roster right now where it’s like, we can hold down a show on our own, another PLE on our own. It’s been so many years, it’s not like it’s something to do every year where we’re like, alright, we’ve seen it enough times. I think it’s time because it is a different era compared to back then.” (quote courtesy of Skylar Russell)