WWE Hall of Famer praises the Nikki Cross aka Abby The Witch segment from RAW

While speaking on Busted Open Radio, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray gave his thoughts on Nikki Cross aka Abby The Witch’s segment from the June 24th 2024 edition of RAW…

“One of the things they did that I loved is when she walked away, did you notice there was no security guard in front of her?. No security guards were leading the way for her. And if there were, you never saw them. Like, most of the time, when that happens, when talent walks through the audience, they’ll have a security guard walking in front of them, or walking backwards lighting the way. There was nothing like that for her, which gave it another hint of realism, that she just walked through the crowd, and people were so spooked by her that they just stayed away. I love the way she exited the arena, and then just blended into the darkness.”

“Maybe these characters are just natural extensions of their own personalities that they feel they need to turn into when protecting themselves from the reality of Bray Wyatt’s death, or any of the other things that come their way in life. Kind of like the band Slipknot, the personalities that they adopted.” (quotes courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)