Veteran wrestling personality Jim Cornette addresses the 2024 United States presidential election

In a video published to his Twitter/X account, veteran wrestling personality Jim Cornette addressed the 2024 United States presidential election…

“The question has been posed to me as why people should vote for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump. My question to everyone else is why wouldn’t you vote for a disembodied head in a jar of liquid over Donald Trump in the elections? The stock market’s at an all-time high, unemployment is at an all-time low, crime is down according to the FBI, and we’ve had four years without having to wake up being embarrassed to be Americans because we were the laughingstock of the world because we put a repugnant, criminal, pathologically lying a****** in the most prominent position in the world, endangering everyone in the planet in the process.

Let’s redeem ourselves, let’s go back to a little sanity and reason and we can elect people who are experienced professionals. Instead of this criminal buffoon, he’s out for himself, he’s out for all the money he can grift out of the country and he’s out most of all to stay out of prison, where he belongs, where his ass should rot until the end of time. I rest my case and I hope that everybody else finished resting their brains and this atrocity doesn’t happen again. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on all of us. We’re a bunch of idiots if we make this mistake again.” (quote courtesy of