Shelton Benjamin comments on if he has been in contact with AEW or TNA Wrestling

Former WWE star Shelton Benjamin did an interview with Chris Van Vliet and here are a few highlights courtesy of…

If his WWE release was a surprise: “Yes and no. Yes, because I don’t think, I know there was more for me to do there. There were more opportunities there and I’m more surprised that they chose not to take advantage of those opportunities. But I also knew that if they weren’t going to do anything then it’s just a matter of time. We got a lot of talent there, a lot of rotation, I’ve been there for a long time. I understand it’s a business. So yeah, it sucks for me but at the end of the day, it’s a business.”

If there was talk of him having a different role in WWE: “There was talk of me possibly becoming a trainer at some point. I don’t think that door has closed. I just haven’t pursued it yet. [You still want to wrestle?] Yes, I love training people. I love teaching, and that comes from my amateur wrestling background. But at this point, I still think a little selfishly, I feel like I have a few more things that I’d like to accomplish. So while yes, I definitely am interested. I have to put aside my own ambitions to really be able to do that job correctly. And right now, at least today, I’m not ready to not think a little selfishly.”

If he’s been in contact with AEW or TNA: “I had a brief conversation with AEW, that hasn’t really bore any fruit yet. But I’m still open. TNA I haven’t spoken with yet. I’m more than willing to work with them. I haven’t talked to them. I know MLW reached out. So you know, I’ve been presented with options. I just haven’t found something that I’m satisfied with.”