Results of Will Ospreay vs. Pac at AEW All Out 2024

Will Ospreay (c) vs. Pac for the International title took place at AEW All Out 2024. Here are the highlights…

* The crowd gave them a standing ovation when the bell rang. Pac gained the upper momentum with a skytwister dive off the top rope to the outside. However, Ospreay quickly recovered and hit his own skytwister dive to Pac as Ricochet watched backstage.

* Back in the ring, the two exchanged slaps and strikes. Pac took control of the match by targeting Ospreay’s neck. Pac gave Ospreay an avalanche brainbuster but Pac was able to kick out and the crowd chanted “AEW!”

* The match went back and forth. Pac hit a DDT followed by a Liger bomb but still couldn’t put Ospreay away. Ospreay came back with a standing Spanish fly but Pac kicked out. Ospreay delivered an Oscutter but was hurting and couldn’t make the cover right away.

* Pac regained the upper hand with a German suplex to Ospreay on the apron followed by a poisonrana on the apron. Pac got Ospreay back in the ring and applied a brutalizer but Ospreay was able to put his foot on the rope.

* Pac went for a broken arrow but Ospreay got his feet up. Pac countered a hidden blade attempt and delivered a German suplex. Pac countered Ospreay again and went for a pin but Ospreay kicked out again. The crowd erupted in another “AEW” chant.

* Pac hit another poisonrana and re-applied the brutalizier but Ospreay broke out. Ospreay hit a poisonrana of his own followed by a hidden blade but Pac kicked out and the crowd chanted “Fight Forever!” Ospreay hit another hidden blade but Pac kicked out once again. Ospreay delivered another Oscutter, a Styles clash, and then a third hidden blade to finally get the win.