Results of Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz at WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE

Wes Lee vs. Zach Wentz took place during the WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE. Here were the highlights…

* Wentz came to the ring with his TNA X-Division title.

* The match started off fast-paced with the two countering each other. Wentz started to build momentum when Lee retreated to the outside. Lee then gained the upper hand by sending Wentz into the ring post.

* After Lee dominated the match for a few minutes, the two exchanged strikes and Wentz got Lee with a jumping knee to the face. Wentz delivered high flying offense and there was a “TNA” chant. Wentz applied a Boston crab but Lee was able to escape.

* Lee regained control and hit the cardiac kick but Wentz kicked out. Wentz came back with a blockbuster DDT followed by a meteora but Lee fell to the outside of the ring. Lee charged at Wentz but missed and crashed into the steel steps.

* Lee laid out Wentz onto the announce table but it collapsed. Lee decided to come off the top onto Wentz anyways.

* Lee was going to use a steel chair but Trey Miguel stopped it. Wentz hit a destroyer on the floor and then pinned Lee with a UFO cutter.