Results of Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024

Toni Storm (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa for the AEW women’s title took place at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Toni was dressed up as Lady Liberty and carried a torch for her entrance to the song America The Beautiful. Mariah May presented flowers to both competitors before the match started but didn’t commit to a side.

* Mina gained the early advantage with a figure four around the ring post. Mina got Toni back in the ring and targeted the knee. Toni was able to fight back and knocked Mina to the outside with a hip attack. However, Toni went for another hip attack but missed and crashed into the steel steps. Mina came off the top rope onto both Toni and Luther on the outside.

* Back in the ring, the two traded blows. Mina gave Toni a DDT off the top but couldn’t finish her off. Toni made a comeback and hit the hip attack but Mina kicked out. Toni finally picked up the win with the Storm Zero piledriver.

* After the match, Mina shook hands with Toni and they hugged it out. Mina, Toni, and Mariah then did a triple kiss.