Results of the women’s cage match at WWE NXT WarGames 2021
Raquel González, Io Shirai, Cora Jade, and Kay Lee Ray vs. Dakota Kai and Toxic Attraction (Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne) in a WarGames match
* The team members were placed in cages near the fans.
* Kay Lee Ray and Dakota Kai started the match. Kay Lee Ray had a baseball bat in one ring while Dakota had kendo sticks. Dakota got the early upper hand and used one of her sticks but Kay Lee Ray ended up dropping Dakota onto the sticks.
* Cora Jade was the next entrant and used her skateboard on Dakota. Kay Lee Ray and Cora double teamed Dakota until Gigi evened the odds. Gigi brought a garbage can and a bag into the ring.
* Io Shirai was next and brought chairs into the ring as well as another trash can. Jacy Jayne was after that and brought a table into the ring. Io started to clean house and Jacy was alone against three opponents. Jacy was placed on a table and Cora hit a swanton bomb onto Jacy from the top of the cage through the table. Cora hurt her shoulder but Io popped it back into place for her.
* Raquel was the last entrant for her team and brought more plunder into the ring including a shovel. Daokota tried to prevent Raquel from getting into the cage. Raquel used a fire extinguisher to get into the ring.
* Mandy entered last and there was a faceoff between both teams as the crowd did a “War Games” chant. Mandy’s team attempted to finish off Raquel but Cora made the save. Cora was by herself and ended up being overwhelmed. However, Raquel made a comeback and hit her chokeslam bomb to Jacy. Cora then made the pinfall on Jacy to get the win for her team.
#NXTWarGames @Kay_Lee_Ray @DakotaKai_WWE
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) December 6, 2021
@CoraJadeWWE goes SOARING at #NXTWarGames!
— WWE (@WWE) December 6, 2021
#NXTWarGames @RaquelWWE @DakotaKai_WWE @gigidolin_wwe
— WWE (@WWE) December 6, 2021