Results of Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024

Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Will Ospreay for the AEW world title took place at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Ospreay wore a mask in tribute to Hayabusa for his entrance. Rapper Jim Jones introduced Swerve. The crowd erupted in “AEW” chants when the bell rang. Both were evenly matched in the early exchanges.

* The two fought on the outside and Ospreay gave Swerve a hurricanrana off the barricade. Ospreay tried to build up momentum back in the ring but Swerve was able to gain the upper hand. The two countered each other’s moves but then Ospreay was able to hit a Styles Clash. Daniel Garcia was seen watching the match in the stands.

* Both were on the top and Swerve gave Ospreay an Angle slam. Both were on the apron and Ospreay went for a Oscutter but Swerve countered. Swerve then gave Ospreay a Swerve Stomp onto the announce table from the top. Swerve continued his offense with a piledriver on the barricade. Swerve got Ospreay back in the ring but couldn’t finish him off.

* Ospreay made a comeback and hit two Oscutters but Swerve kicked out. Ospreay delivered a Storm Breaker but Swerve kicked out again. Ospreay went for the hidden blade but Swerve dodged and the referee got hit. Ospreay took down Swerve and went for the cover but there was no referee. Don Calis handed Ospreay a screwdriver and was then shoved down by Prince Nana. Ospreay threatened Nana with the screwdriver but then dropped it.

* Back in the ring, Swerve hit a Swerve stomp. Another referee returned to the ring but Ospreay kicked out. Swerve hit a house call kick but Ospreay kicked out again. Swerve took Ospreay down with another house call kick followed by Big Pressure and finally scored the victory.

* Swerve gave respect to Ospreay after the match.