Results of Sami Zayn vs. Chad Gable at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024

Sami Zayn (c) vs. Chad Gable for the Intercontinental title took place at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Otis and Maxxine were at ringside for the match. There was a feeling out process in the early moments and the crowd was singing a “Sami Zayn” chant. Zayn got the upper hand and Gable had to regroup on the outside with the Alpha Academy.

* Gable gained control of the match and targeted the arm of Zayn. Despite one working arm, Zayn started to make a comeback but it was short lived. Zayn jumped off the top rope but Gable caught him with a dropkick. Gable came off the top rope with a head-butt but Zayn kicked out. Gable delivered multiple German suplexes but then Zayn countered with German suplexes of his own.

* Gable applied an ankle lock but Zayn was able to counter out of it. Gable grabbed the IC title from outside the ring and handed it to Maxxine. Gable distracted the referee but Maxxine refused to hit Zayn with the title. Gable yelled at Maxxine and Zayn went for a Helluva kick but missed and almost hit Maxxine. Gable hit the Chaos Theory but Zayn kicked out.

* Gable yelled at Maxxine again but Otis got in Gable’s face. Zayn came over the top rope to the outside but Otis took the blow for Gable. Gable delivered a moonsault from the top rope onto both Zayn and Otis on the outside. Gable gave Zayn an ankle lock on the outside but Zayn powered out which led to Gable accidentally knocking into Maxxine’s injured foot. Otis was going to attack Zayn but decided to help Maxxine to the back. Gable was distracted and Zayn hit him with the Helluva kick to score the victory.