Results of Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo at WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE

Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo for the men’s North American title took place during the WWE NXT No Mercy 2024 PLE. Here were the highlights…

* Femi pie-faced Tony and Tony responded by taking down Femi. Tony suplexed Femi and then clotheslined Femi to the outside of the ring. Femi got back in the ring and was able to slow down Tony’s momentum. Tony appeared to have suffered a potential ankle injury but the match continued.

* Femi dominated for several minutes with power moves including a shoulder breaker but could not put away Tony. Tony managed to make a comeback and delivered an overhead suplex to Femi. The two traded shots and Tony gave Femi a powerslam.

* Femi slipped to the outside and tried to use a crowbar but was stopped by The Family. Femi charged at Tony but missed and hit the steel steps. Tony got Femi back in the ring and hit a spear but Femi kicked out.

* Femi regained the upper hand and hit a powerbomb but Tony kicked out. Tony got to his feet but Femi delivered another powerbomb. Femi finished off Tony with a sitdown powerbomb to score the victory.