Results of MJF vs. Will Ospreay at AEW All In 2024 including the return of Daniel Garcia

MJF (c) vs. Will Ospreay for the International/American title took place at AEW All In 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Will Ospreay had a big entrance with full stadium pyro. MJF wore an American outfit for his entrance and a flag was displayed along with red/white/blue streamers. The crowd sang the music of both competitors.

* Ospreay had the early momentum and went for the hidden blade but almost hit the referee by mistake. The two brawled on the outside and MJF gained control by giving Ospreay a back body drop on the floor.

* Back in the ring, MJF hit the Kangaroo kick and taunted the fans. Ospreay avoided the heatseeker DDT and MJF started selling his knee. The match went back to the outside and MJF regained the upper hand with a tombstone on the floor.

* MJF yelled “anybody can flip you piece of shit” and then tried a flip but Ospreay countered with a Spanish fly. Ospreay got MJF back in the ring and hit the Oscutter but MJF got his foot on the rope.

* The two exchanged nearfalls and the fans started a “tiger driver” chant. Ospreay decided to try a hidden blade instead but MJF gave Ospreay a destroyer on the apron. Ospreay was barely able to beat the ten count.

* Ospreay regained the upper hand with an oscutter on the apron. Ospreay went for the hidden blade on the floor but missed MJF and hit the camera man. A concerned Ospreay got back in the ring and was hit with the title by MJF. Ospreay kicked out and MJF delivered a brainbuster but Ospreay kicked out again.

* Ospreay took down MJF with a hidden blade but the referee was knocked out of the ring. Ospreay avoided a tiger driver from MJF and teased going for the move but MJF countered with a low blow. MJF tried to use brass knuckles but was stopped by Daniel Garcia.

* Ospreay hit a distracted MJF with the hidden blade and then finished him off with the tiger driver to regain the title. After the match, Christopher Daniels presented Ospreay with the International title.