Results of Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024

AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Mone vs. NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer in a title for title match took place at AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Stephanie attacked Mercedes with a headbutt as the referee was giving instructions. Stephanie used her agility but Mercedes fought back and Stephanie slipped to the outside. Stephanie was able to gain the upper hand and then worked over Mercedes in the ring.

* Mercedes was able to counter Stephanie coming off the top rope with a dropkick. Mercedes bounced off the ropes and delivered a tornado DDT but Stephanie kicked out.

* Thw two knocked each other down and then started trading shots. Stephanie applied a crossface submission but Mercedes countered out. Mercedes put on her own crossface but Stephanie powered out. Mercedes hit multiple backstabbers and the crowd booed her. There were “f*ck the Celtics” and “f*ck the Red Sox” chants.

* After several back and forth moments, Mercedes finally hit the Mone Maker and then won by submission. After the match, Britt Baker made her return and teased a match with Mercedes.