Results of Logan Paul vs. LA Knight at WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE

Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight for United States took place at the WWE Summerslam 2024 PLE in Cleveland, OH. Here are the highlights…

* Stephanie McMahon was shown at ringside.

* Rapper Machine Gun Kelly came to the ring with Logan. Knight arrived backstage with Logan’s PRIME truck but then smashed the driver’s side window with a pipe.

* Logan attacked Knight before Knight could get into the ring. The two brawled on the outside of the ring. Knight gained the upper hand and used the PRIME hydration station as a weapon on Logan. Logan spit PRIME into Knight’s face to take control. The two fought on the announce table and Knight gave Logan a neckbreaker onto it. Knight got Logan back into the ring and the match was finally started in an official capacity.

* Logan was able to build up momentum but couldn’t put away Knight. Logan taunted Knight which allowed Knight to make a comeback. Knight came off the top with a big elbow but Logan kicked out.

* Logan regained control and delivered a springboard moonsault to Knight on the outside. Back in the ring, Logan hit his knockout punch but Knight kicked out. Knight avoided a frogsplash and went for BFT but Logan countered.

* Knight caught Logan on the top rope and hit a superplex but Logan kicked out. The two ended up outside of the ring again and Logan’s entourage attempted to interfere. Knight attacked them but Logan took advantage of the situation. MGK handed brass knuckles to Logan and Logan used them while the referee wasn’t looking. However, Knight was able to counter the buckshot lariat and won the title with the BFT.