Results of Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale at AEW All Out 2024

Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway) vs. Willow Nightingale in a street fight took place at AEW All Out 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Stokely gave Kris a chair but Willow immediately hit a pounce. Willow delivered a canonball to Kris in the corner and Kris slipped to the outside. Kris used the chair to gain the upper hand and then powerbombed Willow through the announce table.

* Willow was placed on a regular table. Kris came off the top rope with a swanton but Willow moved and Kris crashed through the table. Kris got to her feet but Willow pounced her through the barricade.

* The two fought on the stage. Stokely gave Kris a trash can of weapons that she used on Willow. However, Willow was able to get a light tube and hit Kris in the head with it. Kris was busted open.

* Kris managed to recover and speared Willow off the stage through tables. The two eventually made it back into the ring.

* Thumb tacks were introduced into the match. Kris ended up going for an axe kick but missed and went into the tacks. Willow gave Kris a DVD onto the tacks but Kris kicked out.

* Kris gave Willow an avalanche Spanish Fly and used a chain but Willow kicked out. Kris chained herself to Willow and they traded shots. Kris gave Willow a tombstone and choked her with the chain until the referee stopped the match.