Results of Damian Priest vs. Drew McIntyre at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024

Damian Priest (c) vs. Drew McIntyre for the world heavyweight title took place at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024. Here are the highlights…

* A bagpipe ensemble performed “Scotland The Brave” for McIntyre’s entrance. The crowd sang “Oh Drew McIntyre” as the dBA noise graphic was displayed on the screen. The crowd booed Priest and then erupted in cheers when the bell rang to start the match. McIntyre had a hot start by clotheslining Priest to the outside and then delivering a dive. Back in the ring, the match went back and forth. McIntyre went for the futureshock DDT but Priest slipped to the outside.

* Priest went a dive over the top to the outside but his foot got caught in the ropes. McIntyre took advantage and hit Priest with the futureshock DDT but Priest kicked out. Priest recovered but was still selling his leg. Priest managed to deliver the Razor’s Edge but McIntyre kicked out.

* The two exchanged blows and then got into a hockey fight. Priest hit several kicks but then missed one and McIntyre took him down with a neckbreaker. McIntyre went for the claymore but Priest rolled to the outside. McIntyre ended up giving Priest a claymore through the barricade. McIntyre got Priest back in the ring. Priest avoided another claymore and Priest hit a south of Heaven chokeslam but McIntyre kicked out. The crowd chanted “this is awesome.” Priest hit a hurricanrana off the top rope. Before Priest could make another move, McIntyre finally connected with a claymore in the ring but Priest kicked out.

* The referee accidentally got knocked off the apron and McIntyre hit the claymore but there was no referee. CM Punk ran down to the ring as the referee and didn’t finish the count. McIntyre cornered Punk and Punk responded by giving McIntyre a low blow. Priest hit another south of Heaven chokeslam and the original referee counted out McIntyre. Punk celebrated McIntyre’s loss on the outside of the ring.