Results of Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024

Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles in a “I Quit” match for the WWE title took place at WWE Clash at the Castle 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Cody hugged his mom at ringside before the match started. The crowd continued singing Cody’s song after the music stopped. The referee gave them instructions before the match started.

* The match was back and forth in the early moments and the two brawled on the outside of the ring. The fight went into the crowd and Cody hit AJ with a fan’s drink. The two continued to exchange blows through the backstage area and then back into the arena.

* Styles took control and gave Cody a brainbuster onto the announce table. Styles sent Cody into the ring bell and Cody was busted open. Styles pointed at Cody’s mom and she called him an asshole. There were “f*ck you AJ” chants. Styles tried to give Cody a Styles Clash on the steel steps but Cody countered. Styles regained control and used a chair but Cody refused to quit. Cody still wouldn’t give when Styles used a kendo stick and a belt. Styles had trouble wrapping the belt around Cody’s head and there was a “you f*cked up” chant.

* Cody passed out so Styles woke him up with water. Styles handcuffed Cody and repeatedly hit him in the back with a kendo stick but Cody still wouldn’t quit. Styles once again yelled at Cody’s mom and she slapped him multiple times. Styles wrapped a chain around his arm and went for a phenomenal forearm but Cody threw a chair at Styles and Styles crashed through a table outside of the ring. Cody managed to unlock the handcuffs.

* Cody hit Cross Rhodes twice and then a third time on a steel chair. Cody handcuffed Styles to the rope and repeatedly hit him with a steel chair. Styles said “screw you Cody Rhodes” when asked if he was quitting. Cody grabbed the steel steps and was about to use them but Styles finally gave up. Cody looked at his mom and then hit Styles with the steps anyways. Cody then celebrated with his title.

* After the match, The Bloodline attacked Cody Rhodes by the stage but Randy Orton and Kevin Owens made the save.