Results of CM Punk vs. Darby Allin at AEW All Out 2021

CM Punk vs. Darby Allin

* Allin got a strong reaction but the crowd erupted in “CM Punk” chants before Punk’s entrance. Punk was wearing long tights. Allin sat in the corner so Punk sat in the center of the ring. Allin stood up and Punk stood up immediately.

* The two had a feeling out process in the early moments. Punk gained some momentum and Allin escaped to the outside. The crowd chanted “you still got it” at Punk. Allin got back in the ring but was then irish whipped back-first into the ring post and Allin crashed to the outside of the ring. Punk worked over Allin the ring and the crowd did dueling chants.

* Allin briefly made a comeback but then Punk hit Allin with the GTS. However, Allin got knocked to the outside of the ring. Allin barely got back into the ring at the count of 9. Punk went for another GTS but Allin escaped and made another comeback. Allin hit a swanton off the top to Punk on the outside.

* Back in the ring, Allin went for a coffin drop (was getting booed) but Punk sat up. The two went back and forth but Punk finally hit the GTS and scored the victory.

* Punk had a celebration and then Sting got into the ring. Sting offered a handshake to Punk and Punk accepted. The crowd chanted for Darby. Allin struggled to his feet and then Punk shook his hand.