Results of Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black at AEW Double or Nothing 2024

Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black for the TNT title in a barbed wire steel cage match took place at AEW Double or Nothing 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Copeland came out to a song by Slayer. There was fire pyro and “The Brood” was displayed on the big screen. Barbed wire was on top of the cage and there were tables/chairs in the ring.

* Copeland immediately went for the barbed wire and drove it into Black’s head. Black was busted open and Copeland continued to deliver punishment. Copeland gave Black a Liger bomb but Black kicked out.

* Copeland hit an impaler and went for a spear but Black countered. Black then sent Copeland face-first into barbed wire that was in the corner. Black took a barbed wire bat and drove it into Copeland’s head. Copeland regained control and drove the bat into Black’s head.

* Black gave Copeland a powerbomb through a table but Copeland kicked out. Copeland avoided a black mass attempt and hit a spear but Black kicked out.

* Copeland laid Black on another table and tied up Black with barbed wire. Copeland climbed up the cage and jumped off the top with a flying elbow. It took Copeland time to make a cover and Black managed to kick out. The crowd erupted in an “AEW” chant.

* Black regained control and hit a black mass but Copeland kicked out. Black tried to stab Copeland with a table leg but missed. Copeland was kicked though the cage door to the floor. Black went outside but was speared by Copeland. Buddy Matthews and Brody King came down to the ring and teased helping Black but stood by Copeland. However, it was a swerve and they attacked Copeland.

* House of Black wrapped barbed wire around Copeland’s head like he was Jesus. The lights suddenly went out and Gangrel appeared from under the ring. Gangrel took out Matthews and King with impaler DDTs. Black kicked Gangrel but then Copeland hit Black with the spear. Copeland applied a crossface with the barbed wire and the referee stopped the match.

* After the match, Copeland took his wedding ring back and raised Gangrel’s hand. Copeland and Gangrel walked to the back together.