Nia Jax addresses WWE’s “locker room culture” in 2024

During an appearance on the Battleground podcast, WWE star Nia Jax commented on the company’s “locker room culture” in 2024

“So, the locker room culture, it’s constantly changing but I do find as though we have more of a support system for each other. I come from a team background. I’ve played sports my whole life and it’s always been like you’re only strong as your weakest link and I find as though, like previously, everybody took it more of a me, me, me sort of thing where it’s like, ‘I need to do this’ and now we’re like, ‘Well, we all need to come together to support so and so’ and, ‘We all need to come together’ so I think it’s more of a team, a group effort in the locker room I feel.”

“I also feel a lot of the creative and our producers are more just like, ‘Hey, this is what we’re doing but make sure you realize, go have fun. Go enjoy what you’re doing.’ It’s not like to where it’s like, oh my gosh, I did this. I’m gonna have so many repercussions when I get backstage. It’s more of just, try something. If it doesn’t work out, figure it out. We’ll figure it out later. It’s a different kind of culture, a different kind of atmosphere… I feel as though there’s just more support and encouragement.” (quotes courtesy of