Matt Hardy comments on himself and brother Jeff potentially having one final run in WWE

TNA Wrestling star Matt Hardy made an appearance on Busted Open Radio and here are the highlights from the interview…

Ending his career on a high note: “I would like to do TNA and have a hell of a run there, and then I almost feel like now, just the destiny has revealed itself in many ways, I almost feel Jeff and I, we end up returning to WWE, do something small and then go onto the Hall of Fame. That’s a best case scenario.”

What it will take for WWE to trust Jeff again: “That’s a great question. I think Jeff really wanted to come back to TNA to continue to build equity, and he knows that TNA and WWE are working together. I have friends in the WWE, I have spoken with people in WWE. So I think Jeff just wants to once again just show people how he is a different human being. The way to put equity into that is to go to TNA, have a kickass run, and show people he’s on his best behavior.” (quotes courtesy of Colin Tessier)