Madcap Moss comments on wearing suspenders during his run with Happy Corbin

In an interview with NBC Sports Boston, Madcap Moss revealed that it was Happy Corbin’s idea for him to wear suspenders in WWE…

“It was his call. He had the signature fedoras and he wanted me to have my own signature thing. He gave me a choice of a few different things, and I thought the suspenders have some function to them too, you know? They hold the pants up. I decided to double up with the belt still, and a lot of people gave me grief for that but I just really did not want my pants coming down during any matches.”

“It was unique. I thought it was a unique, different, and also a functional look, so that’s kind of how the suspenders came about. I am happy to say, at this point, that I have officially ditched the suspenders though.” (quotes courtesy of