Kurt Angle believes that him vs. Shawn Michaels at WWE Wrestlemania 21 was “the greatest match of all time”

During a wrestling panel at Steel City Con published by Fandom Spotlite, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels said the following about his favorite matches of his wrestling career…

“My favorite match of all time was actually against Chris Benoit at the Royal Rumble 2003. He reminded me of me. He had the same intensity. He had the, you know, the same build, same athleticism. And, when we got together, it was a war, really intense matches. But the other matches that I really enjoyed, one was when it was supposed to be at WrestleMania, but Vince McMahon didn’t want to do it because this guy had an undefeated streak, and he didn’t want me to break it. And it was Undertaker No Way Out 2006. I had a really good match with him. That was really special. And especially saying that about a big guy, you know, Undertaker was a 300-pounder, seven foot tall. And to have a match like that with a guy that big is pretty incredible. And that just tells you how good Undertaker was.

But the other match, one of my favorites, was Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 21. I really believe, in my mind, it was the greatest match of all time. Shawn and I just clicked. And the crazy thing is, we never worked before that, we never had a match together. And, during the week, we were supposed to, like, get in the ring and practice moves and stuff. We didn’t do any of that. We never even tied up. And to have that kind of chemistry with Shawn that shows how good Shawn was. I mean, everybody considers him the greatest superstar of all time, and I believe he is. He’s that good because he’s never had a bad match. He’s had an incredible match with everybody, and that just shows you how good he is.” (quote courtesy of WrestlingNews.co)

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