Jeff Jarrett comments on the idea of WWE potentially reviving the WCW brand on Netflix

During his podcast, Jeff Jarrett commented on the idea of WWE potentially reviving the WCW brand on Netflix…

“Reviving WCW on Netflix? As much as I would hope and want, and I could get emotionally invested in WCW on Netflix, the reality is that we are 23 years removed from the brand being on television. The nWo still sells a boatload of merchandise, but WCW hasn’t sold, to my knowledge, much of anything. A couple of retro shirts here and there, something to that effect. I just don’t see a tremendous value there, but with that being said, you own the IP, you own the library, and you have the ability to have multiple connective tissue, whether real relatives or whatever it may be, and you have a throwback of lineage that truly exists. There is a run of 83 weeks, you have all that kind of stuff.

So could it work? With a focused effort? I think you could hit it out of the park, but I don’t think you need to rest on the laurels of the WCW that we knew in the 90s. It would have to be established and stories told and a real focus, and I’m not sure they would do that. But the short answer is yes, it could be done. I think it could be incredibly successful if it happened.” (quote courtesy of Colin Tessier)