Former WWE writer criticizes Intercontinental champion Sami Zayn for looking like a “slob”

During’s Legion of RAW podcast, former WWE writer Vince Russo discussed Intercontinental champion Sami Zayn’s segment with Bron Breakker from the June 17th 2024 edition of WWE RAW. Russo said the following about Zayn…

“Don’t put Sami Zayn in the ring with Bron Breakker. Seriously, why would you do that? So everybody at home could see just how much Bron Breakker could kill this guy?”

“My biggest pet peeve with Sami Zayn is and I said it a lot, bro, you look like a slob. You look like I don’t know, you put your hair under the shower and then.. I don’t know what.. I saw him on NXT when he was shortcut with the Irish cap, the nice groomed beard, I liked the guy. My biggest problem with this guy is, every time I see him, he looks like a slob.”

You can check out the full podcast below…