Former WWE star Baron Corbin (Tom Pestock) addresses his wrestling future in 2025
During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, former WWE star Baron Corbin addressed his wrestling future in 2025…
“I’m always a guy who’s got multiple things in the fire, always was with WWE. I was doing food stuff on my social media, or I started a coffee company and was doing the coffee company, and then all the family stuff and like that. But now I’m gonna have an opportunity where I don’t have to ask permission to do something. I’ve also been smart with all of my money that I’ve made over the years with WWE because I’ve watched how quickly it can end. When I left the NFL it’s like no more paychecks, and you go oh man, it ends that quick. I was playing ping pong, and now I don’t have a job, it’s crazy. So I put myself in a position now that I can literally just do the things I want to do. I don’t have to do things because I have to do them and I think that’s a really freeing thought process. So I can take risks, I want to do movies, I want to do TV shows, and I want to do horror movies or thriller movies or darker action kind of films, anything in that world. Whether it’s television, it’s Netflix, it’s Hulu, or it’s the B rate horror movies that are amazing, just like guilty pleasures, I love them, that’s the world I want to dive into. It’s risky, it’s scary, and a lot of people don’t make it. But how many things have I already accomplished that a lot of people don’t? NFL, 1% of college players make it to the NFL. Made it to WWE, made it to the top of the roster, main eventing around the world. All of those things. How many people get that opportunity? Talking to The Usos one time, and they’d never had a singles match at Mania, and they’ve been in the WWE longer than I have, and I’d had three at that time. I had Ambrose, I had Kurt Angle and Drew McIntyre, and it was like, whoa, it’s crazy to think that.”
“I would love to go to New Japan for multiple reasons, and the door never closes with WWE either. And as far as AEW, they’re fans, they like that AEW in a sense is its own entity and built from the ground up. If I went there out of respect for that world, I wouldn’t want to be just another WWE guy that came there because they left WWE. I would rather go and do New Japan for a year or more, who knows? Maybe that’s where I just love it and I stay there for the rest of my wrestling career. So if I ever did go that route, I would want to kind of clear that oh he’s just a WWE guy coming over. Baron Corbin is dead as far as we know, we’re dropping new name, new moniker, new character. I love wrestling. I love the creativeness of it. I love the freedom. I love performing in front of an audience and getting that live feedback in the moment. There’s nothing better.” (quotes courtesy of