Former ECW star says that working for WWE was “soul sucking”

During an appearance on Rob Van Dam’s podcast, former ECW star The Sandman reflected on his time working for WWE in 2006-2007…

“I hated it there. I had no friends. It was soul sucking. I hated to get on a plane. I hated to go there. I hated to be in the locker room. I couldn’t wait to get out of the fucking building. I hated it so much.

You know how everyone goes on TV and they want as much time as they can, they had to tell me to stop going home early. I was going in there and giving them five minutes. Kevin Dunn sends it down to [referee Mike] Chioda, ‘Do not go home early.’ I went home early every single match. Never took any time I was allotted.” (quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)