Chris Jericho has verbal exchange with eight year-old boy that flipped him off at AEW Collision

At the AEW Collision event that took place in Omaha, Nebraska, Chris Jericho had a verbal exchange with a young fan after being flipped off. Jericho said the following to the fan…

“You don’t even know what that means! I dare you to tell me or you’ll get grounded. You wanna get grounded, kid? I’ll send you to your room!”

The fan responded by yelling “f*ck you” at Jericho. AEW published the video footage to social media.

The fan is an eight-year boy named Axl and he was brought backstage to take pictures. Axl’s father posted the following message via Instagram…

“What a great night at @aew Dynamite and the Collision tapings. I didn’t get many videos but the highlight was Axl bad mouthing Chris Jericho (who LOVED it) and having an abs flexing competition.”

Axl’s father also noted that they work out together and Axl does youth wrestling.