Batista comments on how he “failed” at his first attempt to become a professional wrestler

During an appearance on The Jimmy Fallon Show, former WWE world champion Dave Batista commented on the start of his career as a professional wrestler…

“I wanted to just lift weights. I thought I wanted to body build. 13 years later, I had nothing to show for it. I was just big and jacked. I was broke, and I thought, ‘what am I going to do?’

(Professional wrestling) I actually failed at that. My first tryout was miserable. They told me to leave, and I’d never be a pro wrestler. That was in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s a place called the Power Plant, which was the WCW at the time. They literally told me to leave. They said you’re not going to make it. You’re never going to make it.” (quote courtesy of Corey Brennan)