Former WWE women’s champion Ronda Rousey shows off body transformation after giving birth
Following the birth of her second child Liko’ula Pā’ūomahinakaipiha Browne, former WWE women’s champion Ronda Rousey shared photos from after she gave birth to her first child La’akea Makalapuaokalanipō Browne. Ronda included the following message…
Women’s bodies are insane, making babies is no short order and again I’m nursing a baby in my lap worrying I’ll never be the same again. So here’s a “before” (6 weeks after having Pō) and “after” (6 months after delivery) that I’ve been looking at for motivation/consolation.
Crazy to think now that I never shared these pics cause I was afraid of people comparing my post-baby-bod to my fight-camp-form in a cruel way. Now it’s obvious the one unfairly comparing was me – holy shit what an idiot I was, I’d be so proud to get back to that point now.
So this time I’m going to try and be a little more brave and not go through this journey in secret but share it in hopes it helps anyone out there going through something similar. Baby Pā’ū (pronounced “Pah-ooh”) is here and healthy, hopefully I get cleared to train again in a few weeks, and then – it’s mutha fuckin montage time 😈