Tony Khan says there are “a lot of people out there” that don’t want AEW to succeed

During an interview with Q101’s Brian & Kenzie Morning Show, AEW President Tony Khan was asked about his previous claim that the company is “under constant attack” by critics…

“I think that’s a legitimate thing I said, and it is a challenging thing to be the challenger brand, but it’s also a great opportunity. Bringing wrestling back to TBS and TNT every week means a lot; it’s a great American tradition. I’ve really communicated that very well—that it means a lot to me and to the American people to have wrestling on TBS and TNT every week. To be on TBS tonight, I don’t take it for granted. We’ve done over 250 episodes now on Wednesday nights, and doing this every week on TV is something that I’m very well aware of. It’s a great thing for everybody that we can do this for all the people who work here and for all the fans. Pro wrestling is a 52-week-a-year business; it’s a very, very challenging grind, and I love it.”

“I think AEW is a great company, and there are a lot of people out there who don’t want to see it succeed and spend a lot of time trying to stop it. But that’s the fight that basically every challenger wrestling promotion has fought for decades, and it’s great standing here right now.” (quotes courtesy of