Results of Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears at WWE NXT Heatwave 2024

Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears for the world title took place at WWE NXT Heatwave 2024. Here are the highlights…

* Page slipped to the outside but Evans went right after him. Williams and Spears went at it on the outside. Page and Spears teased an alliance but then poked each other in the eyes. Williams and Evans cleared the ring and then they were against each other. Spears attempted to use his chair but was not successful.

* Later in the match, Spears was able to use the chair on his opponents. Evans went for a springboard move but Spears nailed him mid-air with the chair. Spears then gave Williams a C4 DVD into the chair but Williams kicked out.

* While Williams fought with Page outside of the ring, Evans dove over the top and sent Williams through the barricade. Back in the ring, Spears hit an avalanche C4 DVD to Evans and Page attempted to steal the pin but was unsuccessful.

* Evans hit Page with an avalanche Spanish Fly followed by a cutter off the top rope but Williams broke up the pin. Williams and Evans took each other down and the crowd gave them a standing ovation.

* Evans nearly had Spears beat but Williams once again broke up the pin. Evans went for a springboard move but Williams pushed him off the top rope and Evans crashed through the announce table. There was a “rest in peace” chant from the fans.

* Page hit the Ego’s edge to Williams but Evans managed to put Williams’ foot on the rope. Williams hit a trick shot to Evans. However, Page fell onto Evans and Page got the win as Spears pulled Williams to the outside.

* A graphic of Joe Hendry popped up as the show went off the air.