Results of Kelani Jordan vs. Sol Ruca at WWE NXT Heatwave 2024

Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca for the women’s North American title took place at WWE NXT Heatwave 2024. Here are the highlights…

* The two had a feeling out process and were evenly matched in the early moments. Both showcased their athletic abilities and countered each other’s moves.

* Sol got the first nearfall of the match with a spring 450 clothesline but Kelani kicked out. Kelani came back with a poisonrana that sent Sol to the outside. Kelani then hit a springboard moonsault onto Sol. Sol regained the upper and bounced off the ring post with a moonsault onto Kelani. Both barely beat the ten count.

* Back in the ring, there were multiple nearfalls exchanged. Kelani went for a 450 splash but Sol got her knees up. Kelani was able to counter a Sol snatcher and hit an avalanche posionrana. Kelani then pinned Sol with a split-legged moonsault. The two showed respect after the match.