News regarding AEW’s upcoming “Path To All In” residence

As previously noted, AEW will be hosting a summer series of events on the “Path To All In” from the Esports Stadium in Arlington beginning Saturday, July 20th.

Brandon Thurston of obtained additional details regarding the residence. According to records, AEW is paying a 50% discounted rate of $232,000 to use the venue. It was suggested in the term sheet that a local tourism organization might grant AEW money or incentives to offset the costs.

Thurston also noted the following…

City records show the venue will be scaled for 1,290 seats, with an average on-sale price of $45.02, meaning the maximum gate for one event would be $58,080. AEW could cover the $232,000 venue costs by selling just over 5,000 tickets at an average ticket price of $45. Assuming that average ticket price, AEW could make the venue cost back by averaging about 650 ticket sales across the eight events.”